Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Transitioning baby from formula to milk??

Hi ladies:) Does anyone know when to transition baby from formula to whole milk? I remember at our last appointment (9 months) the doctor told us not to worry about giving whole milk until age 1. Jada will be 1 on July 15th and I wasnt sure when to actually start using whole milk and how to incorporate it into her daily feeding schedule. I know the doctor will have some suggestions at our appointment next month, but I would really love to hear from other moms who have been through this phase. What can I do to make it easier? When should I start? Is there a weaning process? Thanks so much!

p.s...By the way...this blog is the greatest:)


Julia said...

Around Chloe's 1st birthday, I would breastfeed her and try to offer her whole milk at meal times. So maybe you could give her a mixed bottle of formula/whole milk and gradually lessen the amount of formula in there until it is all milk.

I've known several friends whose children (and my own included) who completely rejected whole milk. Our pediatrician suggested to even use 2% milk, but that didn't work for us either. If your little one ends up in this boat, don't worry about the lack of calcium or vitamin D. Get some sunshine everyday, and eat lots of green veggies and tofu. Calcium absorption is greater from veggies (or even fortified OJ) than from milk.

Ryan said...

i had several friends who introduced whole milk through the yobaby yogurt at about 10 months or so. they make a vanilla flavor and banana pack that i would use. their pediatr. said that was a good way to get use to the taste of whole milk. i didn't know to do that at the time so that is not from personal experience.

here's what i did on the weaning. i took out the afternoon feeding first and substituted a sippy cup of formula instead of me. then i took out another mid day feeding until all that was left was the late night feeding. that was last to go and the hardest. this process took several weeks.

when he turned a year i gave him whole milk in his sippy instead of formula and he drank it immediately. he didn't have any trouble. most of my friends told me to go cold turkey and we did and it worked out just fine. that is just my perspective, though, so maybe that won't work but it did for us.

Grace said...

I introduced whole milk as soon as they turned one. I mixed in a bit of bm and wm until eventually it was all wm....

Ningning said...

I mixed whole milk and formula 50/50 at the beginning of 11th month (Drs have different opinion btw, my Dr recommended that I start transitioning since my dd didn't have allergies and was a big fat girl, ready for cow milk). She was fine with the taste of 50/50 but hated 100% cow milk. Later I noticed that she drank cow milk out of friends fridge but not at our own home. I finally saw this weird pattern: she prefers normal milk instead of the organic milk I bought her (i bought milk by Horizon, and another organic one by Trader Joe's, she hated both!). Well once I started buying her cheaper milk she had no problem drinking it (thanked her for saving me money!) and by 1st birthday she loves her whole milk. My other friends baby also started after 10 months, he was too big of a boy and Dr just think he was ready for more "normal" food...