Friday, June 22, 2007

Teething order

NJ has been very fussy today and refusing to nap or nurse. He already has his bottom 2 central incisors in as of 5 months. I checked up top and didn't see anything- I'm not really sure what swollen gums are supposed to look like. But when I checked on the bottom, his lateral incisor (next to the central ones) on the left side has broken through! So he must be teething and trying to break the other one in on the other side. Is this normal? I thought the top 2 buckteeth :) come in next.


asiangard said...

I can't remember with my kids! lol, but I do know every child is different,it seems like NJ is getting all his teeth at once~! Poor Guy!!

Lisa Law said...

Wow! Kathryn's been acting teethingish lately too, and I hadn't thought to check the bottom!

The Hamilton Family said...

Like I noted on your blog, I think I see/feel 3 teeth (is that correct...sounds weird but 3 tooths is definitely wrong!) coming in on the bottom. They're all pushing through at once. It's finally proof to Ben that she's teething. I said that she was teething for like the past 3 months, so he finally said he'd believe it when he saw it:) I finally have proof:)

Irene said...

with hailey, i tried hylands teething tablets. it worked well for her. and it's a homeopatic remedy.

Ryan said...

Rhett got like 5 teeth in one month when his teeth started coming in. They didn't come in exactly like the book said they would. His top ones came in first. He had i think like 4 on the top and two on the bottom for a while. Teething is so hard. He would teeth, i felt, for months. I had a hard time feeling swollen gums until like the day before they broke through. I never knew if it was teething until i had "evidence". oh, one thing rhett did when he was teething is his poop was mushy. Dr. said that was a symptom of teething. Have you tried freezing a washcloth and letting his suck on that? sometimes that worked for rhett.

Ryan said...

i think i need to correct myself. I think i put the washcloth in a snack baggie in the refrigerator and he could suck on it.

Julia said...

Our pediatrician said that teeth don't always come "in order." Chloe certainly teethed in her own unique pattern. In fact, she was so off from the regular pattern that I was asking family if there is any history of "missing teeth!"