Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Solid Food Chart

Hi ladies -

I was doing some searches on solid food charts.....want to make sure I'm up to where we should be by Rachel's 9 mo check up (we have about 2 1/2 months to go). Anywho, I happened on what looked like a pretty good site for this.

Check it out and lemme know what u think:


BTW - Anita, I like your blog name better (just-mommies). I like the "kiddieqs" url, but the moms w/ questions is kinda bleh:) Like I said in the email, my brain was a bit numb last night. So, if anyone else wants to change the name, feel free to do so (I have a feeling Kyung might know how - she's the blogging brain).


Anonymous said...

I think that looks pretty good. It seems consistent with what our ped gave us and what I read in Super Baby Food. I'm starting NJ on solids at 6 months... we'll see how it goes!

Julia said...

I looked at that website back when I was making baby food for Chloe. You might also try "Super Baby Foods" by Ruth Yaron. I found that one to be very helpful in the beginning.

Just a tip I got from a pediatric nutritionist. If you start your little ones on veggies and alternate between sweeter (i.e. carrots, sweet potato, etc) vs. non-sweet veggies, this will help to widen their palette. Then introduce fruits after veggies to help curb the sweet tooth. It seemed to work for Chloe. The old adage of try and try again (like 15+ times) before you give up on a food because a lot of times the spitting out of a food is just the initial "shock" of a new flavor instead of a dislike.

Ryan said...

I didn't read through all of this chart but it is very easy to read and looks very helpful. I bookmarked it to use when Reid gets big enough to begin solids. I have heard great things about the book Super Baby Foods too but never bought it.

Ningning said...

It's really helpful. It's similar to another one I got from Earth's Best. My baby followed that mostly (except absolutely no dairy no yogurt till she's 1 yo... Earth's Best said 9 months). It's also consistent with my Ped's advise.