Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sideways blowouts

Whenever NJ poops, it almost always leaks out the sides, usually dirtying up the bottom of his shirt and pants. Occasionally, he'll have the classic blowout up the back. (Luckily, I have an awesome stain stick that leaves all his clothes stainless.) Is this something I just have to deal with? Or am I putting on his diaper too tightly? Or is it time to move up a diaper size?


Julia said...

If it is leaking out the sides, it's probably not on tight enough or the cut of the diaper is too slim. Whenever Chloe had blowouts up the backside, we usually moved her up a size.

Ryan said...

Has this just started? If so it could be two possibilities - One i found with Rhett is one kind of diaper worked just fine until he became more mobile and then he had blow outs and i had to switch brands. Or it could be time to move up a size.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. NJ is in Pampers Cruisers right now. Have you guys found another brand to be a better cut along the sides?

Grace said...

What size diapers is NJ using now? I'm looking back at my resource book seeing when I changed sizes in diapers for the boys....

Anonymous said...

He is in size 3s.

Grace said...

Yes - that's about right. Perhaps try a different brand. I wouldn't think the cruisers would cause it, but try a different diaper. We used to use Huggies all the time, but I switched when Ethan was born because he or the Huggies didn't agree with each other... LoL. I guess Lil' Nate has a huge mess because he's got a great appetite!!!

The Hamilton Family said...

I up the diaper size. I have Rachel in a size 5 b/c the 4s were leaving marks on her tushie, and it seemed too slim. But, I up the sizes due to what I feel is more comfortable for her. W/ NJ's weight, you could easily go to a size 4.

Also, his poops will probably become more solid once you get in full swing w/ solids. While they smell a little worse, pooping has become more frequent for Rachel, but a lot more consolidated, and just mushy - not runny like they used to be when she was BFed only.

But I'm all for switching back and forth on brands and upping the size....I don't follow the weight by the book for switching. Also, note that LUVs don't have elastic tabs, so I always go a size higher on those.....

Anita said...

I agree with switching the size. This helped when Jada would do this. She would come home from daycare in a different outfit everyday becuase she had stained hers! We switched a size and it helped out so much. Also, she was teething at the time so she had diarrhea also...which was a major contributor to the problem, so maybe that could be part of whats going on.

asiangard said...

Move up a size lady! lol

Irene said...

yup, up a size. must be those chunky legs. i love his chunky legs.