Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Am I losing my mind????

I am feeling like a total mess thi sweek:( Today is slightly better but how can I prevent weeks like this from happening? I wasnt sure if it was just becuase it was Monday, but I was so emotional the entire day! I couldnt get it together that morning for work, Jada ended up at daycare with no bottles and I ended up at work with the wrong work bag...I had left my files at home:( So on top of being late for work, I had to leave to take bottles to daycare and switch out my work bag. I was a wreck, on top of that Jada was up the previous night 3 times. She wasnt hungry, her diaper was dry and clean, and she couldnt be consoled??? Go figure. Now today is Wednesday and I notice 2 more teeth have broken through in the top of her mouth and she is now sleeping through the night. I am delighted that Jada is walking at 11 months old...but she is ALL over the place:) I used to be SO organized and all of a sudden I dont know what organization is! Can anyone relate??? I feel like my days are becoming crazier and crazier lately...any suggestions???


Julia said...

*hugs* Take a deep breath. Weeks like this will happen several times over, and you'll gradually become more used to it so the initial shock of having a mobile child will wear off with time. Really. Baby proof as you go. That's my motto. What we did was move all of the dangerous or important (work, personal) objects up higher where Chloe couldn't touch them. Then basically we let her have free reign of the house, and because she didn't have many restrictions, the novelty of "getting into things" wore off pretty quickly until she learned to climb. Then things got moved up even higher. From early on, we did tell her that certain things were definitely off limits. I rarely used the word "no" with her and used lots of redirection, which seemed to help her understand what the limits were. Sorry I don't have more advice for you, just sympathy.

The Hamilton Family said...

Sometimes sympathy is the best medicine:) I have many days where I thank the Lord that my head is attached b/c otherwise I'd forget it. I feel very pulled in many different directions; although, the Lord has blessed me w/ some great sitters lately that have really reduced my stress. The month of April was ridiculous for me though - no sitters and still working part time from home. My mother in law (MIL) came down for 2 days and my dear husband (DH) helped out as well, but the Lord definitely answered my prayers when I prayed that I would be patient:)But, for me, it helps to remember that tomorrow is a new day, and there's always an opportunity to start fresh (Lord-willing). All that you can do is your best, and that's it - and just pray for the strength and grace to accomplish the things u need to.

Grace said...

No your not losing your mind!! We are moms and we have lots of responsibilities... these things happen!!!! We don't want it to as we just want to be perfect, but when it comes down to it.... we tend to forget things once in awhile, it's okay! Hugs!

Jami said...

Hi, I am a mom of three little and not-so-little ones, 6,4 and 2. I have these days alot. Lately I have been feeling much better though. As soon as I start to feel crazy I take a deep breath and picture my day like I want it to be, whether it is my children sitting happily around the table saying "please" and "thank you" instead of "I want more..." or something more ellaborate. It puts me in a better mood which helps me deal with whatever calamity is happening around me.

Ningning said...

Sorry that you had a bad day, the good thing is that this isn't going to be the rest of your life. In time you'll be the pro at multitasking and get the hang of taking care of a toddler. I hope you take a more relaxing day to yourself and away from the madness, I know you'll feel better soon enough. I had those bad days when I was a working mom, there are just way too many things on my mind with pressure from work and a growing baby (plus I missed her terribly when I was working). I just want you to know you're not alone, it doesn't mean you're bad mom. You're a wonderful mom who tries very hard to make sure things turn out fine for everyone :)