Sunday, July 8, 2007

When to see the pediatrician?

My sister called me that her son (6 months) is running a fever of 102.6, and of course it would be a Saturday night. She was asking me when she should take him to the pediatrican, and this has always been something that I'm not entirely certain. My general rule of thumb has always been to call the doctor's office if Chloe's temp goes to 103 and take her in if she starts to act lethargic or out of her norm. (I think this is what the nurse told me, but it's been a few months. *knock on wood*)

When do you take your little ones to see the doctor if he/she is sick?


Ningning said...

Yup, 103F. But since the baby's so young and the 102.6 is sooo close to 103F (you do have margin of error on measuring!) I'd call Dr anyway. babies are so fragile I won't take any chances. better this than be sorry later, kwim? :)

The Hamilton Family said...

I've heard also to wait to see if Tylenol brings the fever down first before calling. If it doesn't come down after 30 min, then I'd call.

Ryan said...

i say go with your heart. many times i don't call the dr and then that night i'm up worrying that something serious is wrong. my new pediatrician, who i love, said, "call and come in anytime. i'd rather you come in and it be nothing than you worry about it all night". something to that degree. so just think, am i going to worry all night? if so, call. if after hours, call the oncall dr. if they make you feel stupid, oh well. isn't that better than it really being something serious?