Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Breastfeeding Woes

So, I'll tell ya'll my woes. I'm happy that I've chosen to BF Rachel, but it has had its challenges. I never had any of the mastisis (SP?) and stuff - thankfully, but I've dealt w/ a 2 month long struggle of nursing strikes. We got through that, and then for the past 3 1/2 months, we've settled into a nice routine....until the past 2 weeks. I've been having some troubles here and there w/ pumping. I used to pump all the time b/c I had to so much extra milk (I realize that's a continuous cycle w/ pumping), but I was nervous about losing my supply w/ working part time, I go into the office for 2-4 hours at a time, and need to be able to readily pump for any given week. So, for the past 3-4 weeks, I've boycotted pumping b/c I just don't have the time, and it's a pain in the tushy (setup, long time pumping, cleanup, etc). Plus, Rachel then suddenly was rejecting the bottle....not sure if it was teeth, nipple confusion (had just introed a sippy cup and she nurses and uses a pacifier), but at any rate, she wasn't thrilled w/ the bottle. So, I thought, that's a nice change for once:)

Sorry for the babbling (I feel that's what I'm doing but it's been a long day:( ). So, she still struggles w/ her last feeding....often she half cries while feeding. I can't seem to figure out if it's her teeth, gas bubble, over-tired, not enough milk coming out, etc. Now, I'm starting to worry that I don't have enough milk....b/c when I try to pump (here's where it ties into the 1st paragraph), I really don't get that much. Little background, Rachel is 7.5 months, and she is almost 23 lb and almost 30 in long. She's doing solids really well, and I nurse her 4 times a day. This has gone well up until this point (well except for the 2 mo nursing strike struggles). I'd like to nurse her until she's one year old b/c I'm cheap and don't want to buy formula, but I'm pretty worn out from nursing. I want to enjoy it, but she pulls back on my nipple, which hurts, and then she's been biting me these past 2 days. I always thought I'd use the remedy my mom did on my brothers and I (flick our cheek to get our attention and say no - she says it worked), but dang, it hurts when she bites and I've tried flicking her cheek - only to have her smile back at me a few times:) I'd like to smile back but I'm in too much pain....b/c that's a pain that keeps on giving.

I realize that in time all this will not only pass and will seem minute and petty, but I'll also probably miss these woes:) And in the grand scheme of eternity, it's not a big deal at all. But, I thought I'd blog it to the sympathetic ears (readers) here, and if any of you have any words of advice, they're greatly appreciated. I really want to stick this out until she's a year, so any words of encouragement or suggestions are great. Also, do you think it's too late to go to a lactation consultant? Not sure how much it costs.....might be a wash between going to an LC and just switching to formula......


Julia said...

It is never too late to call an LC if your goal is to breastfeed to 1 year. You might also try La Leche League. I know that there are horror stories out there about LLL, but my friend who did have lots of struggles BF called up the local LLL leader and got great help/support. As for the biting, I learned this tip from my friend, and it worked enough times. If Rachel bites, press her face closer into your breast so that she is forced to open her mouth to breathe. By all means, don't smother her! It sounds mean, but that's one trick my friend learned froM LLL that actually worked for us.

Ryan said...

i agree that it is never too late to go to a Lactation Consultant. I have gone to one several times or called her with both of my boys. There is no charge and it is through the hospital where you delivered. look in the paperwork you received either at the end of your pregnancy about breastfeeding or when you ck'd out of the hospital. the lactation consultant should be listed there amongst resources you can call.

Also, if you are one that lives in VA, my friend called La Leche in the Alexandria area and she found great support from them.

Lastly, hang in there. I nursed Rhett for 11 1/2 mo and am very proud of that accomplishment. I did have to take a supplement to increase my supply after 6 mo. I did add formula at 9 mo b/c i just couldn't keep my supply going.

Your little one is a great weight. Rhett wasn't over 20 pounds till 13 mo or so. You have done such a good job with her. You should be very proud of yourself for nursing and sticking through it all; many don't. I think something that is so hard with breastfeeding is your self esteem gets wrapped up in it. If baby is doing well I feel great b/c i know i did that, but if baby is struggling or crying or whatever i feel like a failure. I have cried many times b/c of breastfeeding but in the same breath had so many nights when i absolutely loved that i had this special time with Rhett and could give him something so good for him.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry too much about your supply as long as Rachel is growing and peeing as she should. If you pump in the evening, your supply is at its lowest so it's not an accurate picture of your supply. Maybe you can try giving her some expressed milk in her sippy cup?

Lisa Law said...

Hang in there, Jill! I know I'm repeating here, but an LC or the La Leche League are good places to go for may want to start with Rachel's Pediatrician too. And if the flicking doesn't work...I'd try pulling her hair when she bites. I know she's mostly bald, but there's enough there to get your point across, I think!

The Hamilton Family said...

Update: flicking actually worked:) Last time I flicked was the day I wrote this post....she broke down crying but she hasn't done it since. I think she learned not to bite...even when she's frustrated while nursing. On the whole, things have been going better. I still feel like I'm losing my supply, so I might have to visit a LC...I'll chat w/ her ped at her 9 mo visit this month. Thanks all for the advice and encouragement - much appreciated!