Sunday, July 15, 2007

Anyone else use AIM?

I don't normally chat online (not enough time), but would anyone else be interested in doing so? Maybe we could set up a time to meet as a group.

If you're intersted, post your AIM IDs!


Julia said...


Anonymous said...

Aw, sorry! I had aim in college but haven't used it since. I was ridiculous. I'd IM my roommate who was across the room from me and 'talk' to her that way.

Julia said...

You are hysterical Kyung. That's what my sister would do with her roomie. I only ever used AIM to conduct online study sessions for my AP Bio students the night before major exams. That's why my AIM ID is what it is.

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I wish AIM was more widely used when I was in HS. You must be a really cool teacher and the kids must have loved you.

The Hamilton Family said...


I'm on it sporadically now, but mostly use it for work. My freshman year of college, I was as bad as Kyung was....IMing my rommates:) Some of us at work still do that every now and then. Text messaging is like that for me as well:)